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Virtual Coffee Hours Archive

25 May 2024

Quantitative Characterisation of Magnetic Materials using Lorentz TEM

Kayna L. Mendoza-Trujillo

Argonne National Labs, US

8 June 2024

Magnetic Brain Stimulation for Tuning Brain Networks and Treating Neurological Disorders

Prof Ravi Hadimani

Virginia Commonwealth University, US

25 May 2024

COMSOL Multiphysics: A Powerful Tool For Modeling Magnetic Systems

Ricardo Pinto

University of Porto, Portugal

13 Apr 2024

Synchrotron Radiation: from the Storage Ring to the Magnetic Properties

Lucas S. Palhares

University of Campinas, Brazil

25 Nov 2023

Winter holidays special!

25 Nov 2023

MMM Special

11 Nov 2023

Virtual Science Fair

21 Oct 2023

Halloween Special

7 Oct 2023

Balancing work and social life

23 Sep 2023

Academia vs Industry

02 Sep 2023

Ideas dump

12 Aug 2023

Games day!

29 Jul 2023

Virtual Coffee Hours LAUNCH!

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