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DIY Battleship
Author: Jun Han Chuang, Ying Da Su

1. Hall effect sensor module
2. Neodymium magnets
3. Male to female wires
4. Male to male wires
5. Resistors (1k)
6. Breadboard

1.Connect the pins of the hall effect sensor module to the breadboard using male to
female wires.
2. Connect the VCC pin of the module to the 5V pin of the Arduino UNO.
3. Connect the GND pin of the module to the GND pin of the Arduino UNO.
4. Connect the output pin of the module to the digital pin 10 of the Arduino UNO.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 5 with the remaining 5 modules using digital pins 5-9.
6. Connect the positive pin of the LED to the digital pin 3 of the Arduino UNO.
7. Connect the negative pin of the LED to the GND pin of the Arduino UNO.
8. Upload this code to the Arduino UNO.
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